Wednesday, November 28, 2018

People want to know reasons on why should consider AWS for their infrastructure requirements. There are thousands of customers utilize AWS even more than 100 countries with many case studies such as Netflix, Pinterest, NASA/JPL, Reddit, Vodafone, Flipboard & LinkedIn many people want to manage their infrastructure in-house or co-located data center, always concerns about the cost, security, data privacy and much more things you need to do in Amazon web services.

So, here will brief you some listed why people should be considered to using Amazon web services (AWS) for infrastructure requirements-

Zero CapEx-
People are believed to used AWS Web Services or any other cloud-based solution that is only for the riches. But the reality is opposite, AWS is playing field level which enables start-ups to high-technology and infrastructure needs with Zero CapEx.

If you want to use the server for hosting a small website then a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for heavy traffic sites which are reliable & scalable email service, data warehousing service, or Hadoop cluster for BigData needs, even AWS provides you everything with no commitment at all. As you know that, backed services are charged on hourly so you try to terminate or stop a server that you won’t bill from next hour.

Get rid of Negotiations-
Price negotiations are not like spending time, energy, or doing anything that we have the skills. Actually, AWS focused on infrastructure which is the price of their customers. Even, they have reduced their prices with lots of services more than many times in the last few years. Tools like a trusted Advisor, CloudChecker, Cloudability, Cloudyn, Cloudyn etc. Are offers you to optimize prices within your existing setup on AWS.

If you are utilizing new server it may take time between 8 to 10 days depending on your infrastructure that is on-premise, co-located or associated with a hosting provider. In the same way, time must need to procure software license too. On the other hand, AWS is allowed you to spin-up new servers within short minutes no need to buy your individual licenses for many operating system and software.

Pay per use-
You think of unlimited space for your backup and archival requirement, ability to launch new servers, up-scale & down-scale servers, CDN integration, unlimited bandwidth, and many much more highly scalable services and features available you to pay based on your actual usage.

AWS has developed highly secure infrastructure both physically and over the internet. There are some highlights from the security you need to measures that are mention on the AWS website.
  1. 24x7 data centers are staffed to trained them security guards, and access authorized strictly.
  2. Many geographic regions that are available zones to allow you to remain resilient in the face of failure modes like a natural disaster or system failure.
  3. You will be the ability to configure built-in firewall rules from the public to private or somewhere in to control access to instances

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a secure service that helps you to reduce the cost of infrastructure like servers. Additionally, savings on the number of staff need to develop and build the infrastructure.   


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